90-day driving challenge

Fast – Easy – Affordable – Actionable


You tell us your objectives to save on gas and maintenance, lower carbon emissions, reduce driving accidents…


Driving data are collected automatically during each trip. No user action required.


Security and ecodriving scores are calculated in real time and displayed in the app and the admin account.



We invite your employees to download Drivata on their smartphone. To maximize participation, you may choose to reward the best drivers according to their safety and eco driving scores.


Data is stored securely in the Drivata platform and augmented with external information including vehicle dynamics, type of road, weather conditions and more…


Drivata analytics summary and expert recommendations are delivered in an easy and actionable format.


Together we determine the information you need and the duration of the diagnostic period.


Participants download the app on their smartphone. To maximize participation, you choose to reward the best drivers according to their scores.


Driving data relating to safety and eco-driving are collected in real time.


Data is stored securely in the Drivata platform and augmented with external information like vehicle dynamics, type of road, weather conditions and more…


Security and ecodriving scores are calculated in ream time and displayed in the app and the admin account.


End of diagnostic ; Drivata analytic summary and expert recommendations are delivered to you.


You have unlocked powerful insights to accelerate sustainable and responsible driving in your company!

Project financed with the help of the European Union with the European regional development fund